Stepping In to Forgiveness and Healing Decades After Her Abortion with Britt Ivy

In this episode, Kara steps in with Courage Coach and riveting story teller, Britt Ivy to talk about her very tender experience of having an abortion. Their conversation is not about whether it is right or wrong. It is not a political conversation. It is the story of an 18-year-old Britt who made the choice to have an abortion and later in life unpacked the many ways in which it showed up as self-sabotaging behavior, eating disorder, patterns of choosing abusing partners, numbing her feelings, and addiction until she found help, hope and healing years later. It is her life’s work to help other women heal.


  • Post Abortion Syndrome (PAS) is like PTSD for abortion. It shows up years and decades later.

  • It is important to take away the religious and political charge and just talk about the experience it is for a woman to have an abortion.

  • Men are taught to respectfully allow the woman to make a decision. For Britt, when her boyfriend was supportive in that way, it made it feel like the decision went from “ours” to “hers”. She highlights the need for the conversation between the man and woman… sharing the burden of decision.

  • Panic took over. Fear of judgement, disapproval, the end of freedom.

  • A moment of tears and peace as Britt speaks to her younger self: S “I love you. You’re mine. Let’s take this journey together. There are no accidents. This life is ours. You are forgiven. You are loved.”

  • People don’t put it together that the life symptoms connect to having the abortion.


  • “The world tells you there is no problem… I’m here to tell you there is.”

  • “I am not here for a religious or political debate. I’m here for the wounded.”

Connect with Britt:

Founder of Heartlife Foundation, Britt Ivy, “The Courage Coach”, empowers women who have ended a pregnancy to bravely live with hope and purpose. As an Award-Winning Television Talk Show Host, speaker and philanthropist, Britt’s passionate faith propels women in transforming broken pasts into thriving futures.

PATH2Thrive Course - Mission Statement - "I empower Christian heart-centered loving women of faith who have begun their post-abortion healing journey to overcome self defeating thoughts, patterns, and behaviors so they can thrive in a more confident, satisfying, peace filled life and be a blessing to those around them."


Stepping In to Life’s Defining Moments with Gratitude Through the Loss of a Sister and a Journey Back Through Homelessness and Abuse in Childhood with Lynette Molina


Stepping In to Self-Care and Self-Love Through her Single Mom Journey with Nyke Latrice