Stepping In to Self-Care and Self-Love Through her Single Mom Journey with Nyke Latrice

In this episode, Kara steps in with sought after motivational speaker and international teacher, Nyke Latrice.  Kara and Nyke talk about her single mom life, providing for her 3 kids (2 of her own and an added nephew who was also under her parental care) through numerous hustles while volunteering her heart to serve and volunteer in various ways in the community. Giving back, Nyke emphasizes empowerment by creating programs that give single moms a “hand up” instead of a “hand out”. The two also talk about the devastating murder of the nephew she raised and what it has been for her family to find healing. Listen in to this episode to be encouraged as a mom and inspired by Nyke’s advocacy for women and children trying to figure life out.


  • As a young single mom, the hustle of trying to figure this thing out. Stepping up your game financially, educational wise. Pick out different things, so if you get tired of this direction you have something to fall back on because it falls on you alone and you want to make sure you are providing the absolute best.

  • What it takes today to stay connected in our families.

  • God gives you children for a minute. They were never yours. They were yours to raise and let go. Letting go is the hardest thing.

  • Be proud of yourself for what you accomplished as a mom.

  • “I was living on subsidized housing. I was living, you know, using SNAP benefits. I said, I want to use this as a platform. When God puts me in a place where he wants me to bless other women such as I was, I want to do that”

  • Honoring the delicate balance between empowering the single parent verses having pity on them. There is a single mom feeling of, ‘I don't want to be seen as less than I don't want to be seen as needy.’ 

  • Nyke talks about a “hand up” versus the “hand out”.

  • It's a really important feeling for single parents to feel like there are other people who truly understand and have their back.

  • In order to be the best you can be, you have to face your past.

  • In my forties, I worry about who I am. I care about what I want, how I feel, I care about me.


  • “Life doesn't come with the manual on how to be a woman.”

  • “I love what I do. I'm a voice for a single woman and her children. I was her not only that teenager that was trying to figure it out. I mean, you know, consistency is key, but so few commit to the process.”

  • “I don't care if you are trash lady and you're picking up trash, you need to be the best trash picker up there is.”

  • “Because if you don't have a mother that can take care of herself first, how could she provide to give to her kids?”

Connect with Nyke:

Nyke Latrice is a lifestyle coach, licensed aesthetician, makeup and skincare specialist, motivational speaker and advocate for women and children. HeR mission in life is helping women evolve through life’s lessons by learning HeR first, empowering HeR and finding HeR self love.

Through her numerous endeavors, Nyke has established herself as a leader in the beauty industry and in the Middle Tennessee communities. As a mother, Nyke believes that family is top priority in the balance of her life. She draws upon her own emotional life experiences to encourage others with her message of hope, empowerment, and success. An energetic and positive-speaking life coach, Nyke has the ability to edify her students and followers, and help them discover their true potential.


Stepping In to Forgiveness and Healing Decades After Her Abortion with Britt Ivy


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